Check out W21, our newest Roundcube theme release for both desktop and mobile browsers! Since the name is a bit of a mystery, let me explain. For many years we had a very popular Ensignia theme called Web 2.0. When upgrading the designs of our themes to make them look more modern, we renamed the theme to Web 2.1, or W21 in short.
W21 is one of the most smooth and modern themes in our collection. Its features are refined to perfection, which will be especially appealing to those with an artistic streak. Preview screenshots are available here.
You can add this sleek theme to your Roundcube installation for only $49! It’s a one time fee that includes one year of free upgrades and technical support. (Go to our store.)
Included with the theme is a plugin that automatically switches between the desktop and mobile versions of the browser depending on the device used. All in all, it’s a package well worth its price!